Following the re-election of Emmanuel Macron as President of the French Republic Cécile Coudriou, President of Amnesty International France said:
“President Macron’s first term has been far from exemplary on human rights and Amnesty International will continue, throughout his second term, to demand that the President’s policies respect fundamental rights and international law,”
“The egregious human rights failings that need to be addressed include France’s treatment of refugees and asylum at its borders, systemic discrimination in the form of ethnic profiling by police, disproportionate & dangerously vague counter-terror laws, curbs to the right to protest, intrusive surveillance that impacts the right to privacy, failing to uphold climate commitments and selling arms to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.”
France: Protection of human rights must become a priority of Emmanuel Macron’s second term
Source: Global Pinoys PH