Honduras: Next president must ensure a more just and human rights-based country

Ahead of the upcoming general elections in Honduras, Amnesty International sent today an open letter to the candidates for the presidential candidates, in which it shares seven points necessary to build a more just and human rights-based country.

“The Honduran population has faced a serious regression in the respect and guarantee of their human rights in recent years, which in many cases has led people to flee the country. The change of government could be a unique opportunity to reverse this situation by addressing the structural causes of violence, inequality and discrimination,” said Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas director at Amnesty International.

“The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the fragility of the Honduran government in protecting the economic and social rights of people. The next Honduran presidency must take advantage of this opportunity to build a more just and rights-based future.”

The 28 November elections take place in a context of concern over the violent repression of mass protests during the previous elections in 2017. At the time, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) observed that several members of the Military Police and the Army used excessive, sometimes even lethal, force to disperse the demonstrations, and documented the deaths of at least 23 people, among other human rights violations.

The change of government could be a unique opportunity to reverse this situation by addressing the structural causes of violence, inequality and discrimination

Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas director at Amnesty International

“It is unacceptable that Honduras should have to face another wave of repression like that of 2017. The Honduran authorities must guarantee human rights during the electoral process, including the rights to freedom of expression, assembly and peaceful protest, and refrain from using force to repress citizens,” said Erika Guevara-Rosas.

The letter to the Honduran presidential candidates includes seven points to build a just country based on human rights:

  1. Respect the full exercise of the rights to freedom of expression, assembly and social protest 
  2. Effectively fight against impunity
  3. Create a safe and enabling environment for the defense of human rights.
  4. Guarantee access to health care for all, including sexual and reproductive health care
  5. Ensure the principles of equality and non-discrimination
  6. Protect people on the move
  7. Cooperate and engage with international human rights mechanisms and standards

For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact Duncan Tucker: [email protected]

Honduras: Next president must ensure a more just and human rights-based country
Source: Global Pinoys PH

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